Areal view of Lima: In order to warrant continuous contact for its clients in this multifaceted region, DEG has a regional office in Lima since 2007.

    DEG Representative Office Lima | Peru

    Since its establishment in 2007, DEG’s office in Lima has supported financing activities across the Andean Community (CAN), which includes Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. DEG offers long-term financing and advisory services for Peruvian and Andean region private-sector investments, in the manufacturing, financial, agricultural, and infrastructure sectors, with a focus on renewable energy and housing finance.

    The region, rich in natural resources, presents significant economic potential as the third-largest integration area in the Americas after NAFTA and Mercosur, with a growing population and diversifying economies.

    DEG's network in Lima

    DEG cooperates with regional and local partners to provide targeted solutions that support sustainable growth. The Lima office works closely with financial institutions and other stakeholders to address the unique needs of businesses and investors in the Andean region.



    Dr. Stefan Blum

    DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

    Oficina de Representación Lima

    Av. Camino Real 348

    Of. 1501 B, San Isidro

    Lima 27
