Comprehensive reporting as a part of our sustainability strategy

For years, DEG’s actions have been guided by the principle of sustainability. It holds true for the way we deal with our customers and partners, and conduct our business operations. In order to report comprehensively and in addition to its financial reporting in its annual report, DEG provides detailed information on the non-financial aspects of its activities and sustainable impact.

This includes DEG’s annual development report, which provides in-depth information on the development impact of DEG financing. DEG has created the Development Effectiveness Rating (DERa) to gauge the impact of the investments it co-finances. In line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris climate accord, the contributions of DEG’s customers are recorded and analysed using this tool.

DEG’s developments and performance with regards to sustainability are also included in KfW Group’s annual sustainability report.

DEG sharpened up its business model in 2021. With this strategic realignment, DEG aims not only to achieve a stable income, but also to focus its promotional business even more on positive effects on impact and climate. To this end, DEG will also continue to develop its impact management, which is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How we measure development effects

The DERa assesses and rates individual clients’ contribution to development and follows up on changes in performance since DEG’s investment.

Measurable Impact – Development Report

Despite political uncertainties and market volatility, DEG investments in 2023 were not only financially successful, but also had a significant positive impact.


Measurable impact: DEG presents Development Report 2023