
    Our trainee programmes

    Are you a recent graduate who is now looking for new and varied challenges? Are you eager to continue building on your skills and expertise? Are you looking for a company that will help you develop to your full potential? Do you want to take on responsibility and make your own contribution to society in an internationally active company with a positive working environment founded on mutual respect and appreciation?

    DEG’s trainee programmes allow you to get acquainted with different fields of work and to take different perspectives within the company. You will be working with experienced colleagues who are happy to give you the benefit of their knowledge. Our programme adapts to suit you: this is why we offer a framework programme that provides you with the best overview and allows you to build up a network for the future. We will define the exact course of your programme together with you, taking into account your aptitudes and preferences.

    Job market

    Use your expertise, experience and commitment at DEG. Apply for your first job, a trainee programme or internship.

    Starting your career at DEG – what you need to know