


Measurable impact: DEG presents Development Report 2023


DEG supports installation of a photovoltaic system in West Ukraine


DEG customer survey: Resilience and sustainability key drivers

Information on DEG

Photos and curricula vitae

Here you will find photos and curricula vitae of the Board members.

Photos and videos

Photographs and videos in high quality.


Learn more about DEG and DEG'S customers by watching our videos.

Interviews and articles

Articles of DEG staff members and publications developed in cooperation with journals.

DEG in brief

Basic information and facts and figures about DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft.

Zwei Mitarbeiterinnen eines vietnamesischen Automobilzulieferers

Annual reports of DEG

The reports cover the financial statements and management reports of the respective business year.

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CONTACT: DEG Press Office

Kämmergasse 22
50676 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 4986 1474
Fax: +49 (0) 221 4986 1843