Our impact: Supporting small-scale farmers

    Our impact

    What we achieve – Development effects of our work

    Our work benefits people, businesses and countries. We ensure our customers can maximise opportunities, open up new markets and compete successfully. In doing so, they create qualified jobs and income and are also actively committed to education and training for their staff. In addition, they also boost economic growth, create local value and support the transfer of know-how. Their taxes and export earnings contribute to government revenue and foreign exchange earnings – funds that are needed for investments in infrastructure, education, health, etc.

    Contributing effectively to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda

    Through their financial success and responsible operations, the companies supported by DEG are driving forward sustainable development in line with the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. The 2030 Agenda, which encompasses 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aims to improve living conditions for all humans and protect the planet. Every customer we provide financing with commits to achieving defined development goals. If particular challenges arise, DEG provides additional support in the form of advice. We use a transparent procedure to measure further development.

    Development effects of DEG’s commitments 2023

    The current Development Report 2023 shows that the businesses funded by DEG generated local income of EUR 235 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of over 12 %. These businesses employed 3.3 million people in developing countries, a 10 % increase from the previous year. Additionally, 85 % of DEG customers contribute to poverty reduction, 76 % promote lifelong learning, and energy providers produce 32 TWh of electricity from renewable sources, supplying over 32 million people and preventing 22 million tonnes of CO2 emissions.

    Measurable Impact: Development Report

    Further information

    How we measure development effects

    The DERa assesses and rates individual clients’ contribution to development and follows up on changes in performance since DEG’s investment.

    We evaluate our work

    Internally and externally executed topic-based evaluations are important tools which we can harness to make DEG's work even more effective.

    Focus: Gender-lens investing

    How can companies and financial institutions make a targeted contribution to the empowerment of women in developing countries?