SME Advisory Service

    SME advisory programme for financial institutions

    The two-phase advisory programme helps banks to further develop their SME business. Product range and services for small and medium-sized enterprises are improved in order to reach more SME customers in the long term.

    How the SME advisory programme supports you

    • During the first phase – the SME Needs Assessment - an on-site assessment is carried out by a consultant to get to know your SME operations. The consultant analyses, for example, what products and financial services are offered to SME customers, how the market in question is developed and what your SME strategy looks like.
    • A report is prepared at the end of analysis, including recommendations for specific short- and medium-term measures that are designed to help you improve and further develop your SME operations.
    • What is special about the SME Needs Assessment is that a detailed roadmap is created aligned with your own needs.
    • DEG bears the costs related to the advisory services of the consultant. Only travel and accommodation costs are to be covered by you.
    • The measures recommended are implemented in a second phase. DEG remains your sparring partner, always ready to assist you in developing and managing further implementation projects.
    • Selected implementation measures can be supported and co-financed with funds from DEG’s Business Support Services (BSS).

    How our clients benefitted

    We also support our new and existing customers overcoming other challenges, and develop individual solutions together with them. Please contact your DEG customer relationship manager to get in touch with the BSS team.