Supporting development effects
DEG Impulse uses the develoPPP programme to support measures by companies that wish to operate in developing and emerging countries on a long-term basis and thereby shape their business involvement in a sustainable manner. These may be companies looking to pilot an innovative technology, raise the standard of their supply chains or invest in a sustainable training programme.
The promotional programme is implemented by DEG Impulse is part of the “Partners in Transformation” offer of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
While develoPPP Classic is aimed at companies already established in the market, start-ups can apply for funding under develoPPP Ventures.
Current thematic focus
The current develoPPP Classic ideas competition will focus on training and employment for socio-ecological transformation. Projects that address this issue will therefore be given special consideration during the selection process.
You can learn more via the develoPPP website.
DEG Impulse uses the develoPPP Classic programme to support measures by companies that wish to operate in developing and emerging countries on a long-term basis and thereby shape their business involvement in a sustainable manner. These may be companies looking to pilot an innovative technology, raise the standard of their supply chains or invest in a sustainable training programme.
Target group
The target group is German and European companies and companies in developing and emerging countries. Support can be offered to companies which, at least:
- Have an annual turnover of EUR 800,000
- Employ eight members of staff and
- Have records of two operational financial years.
What does DEG Impulse offer?
DEG Impulse provides project funding of up to EUR 2 million. The company receives a maximum of 50% of project costs. DEG also provides support with project structuring.
Focus: Training and employment for socio-ecological transformation
The current ideas competition gives special consideration to projects in relevant areas, such as:
- Creating good jobs
- Reorganising supply chains, with a focus on social and environmental aspects
- Improving working conditions
- Promoting women
- Providing training/employment in green economic sectors (such as renewable energy or the circular economy) or to support the greening of traditional economic sectors
- Training/employment in the context of Industry 4.0
New develoPPP Classic country list
In the context of the BMZ 2030 strategy process, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has updated its list of partner countries. The new list is now also valid for develoPPP Classic applications.
What does the process look like?
develoPPP ideas competitions are held four times a year. Interested companies can submit project proposals to DEG Impulse and GIZ from six weeks before the end of each quarter up to the submission deadline for the relevant competition (31 March, 30 June, 30 September, 31 December). After the deadline, DEG Impulse uses defined evaluation criteria to assess which projects are eligible and notifies companies about the outcome within six weeks of the submission deadline. If a proposal is approved, DEG Impulse supports the company in the next step in further concretising and shaping the project.
Where do the funds come from?
Programme funds are provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
DEG Impulse GmbH
or phone call +49 221 4986 1476
General information on the programme
develoPPP Classic - Assessment Criteria(PDF, 46 KB, non-accessible)
develoPPP Classic - information brochure(PDF, 186 KB, non-accessible)
With develoPPP Ventures funding, DEG is supporting young companies that are already active in a developing or emerging economy and whose business model contributes to sustainable local economic, ecological and social development. The aim is to scale innovative solutions in order to make them accessible to more people. Therefore, it is important that the proof of concept has already been achieved and first revenues have been generated. Funding the start-up phase via develoPPP Ventures is not possible.
Currently avaible in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania
Young companies and startups that are registered in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana or Tanzania or plan to register there before funding begins. The funding is provided exclusively for business expansion in the respective OECD-DAC country and must be invested locally. A prerequisite for funding is that the start-up phase has already been completed and first revenues have been generated. In addition, your company must:
- be privately owned and profit-oriented
- have a viable business and financial plan
- can provide at least one annual financial statement
- convince other financiers of its business model
- have high growth potential and reach break-even within a maximum of three years
What does DEG offer?
DEG supports young companies in their investments to scale in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana or Tanzania with a grant financing of up to 100.000 EUR. At least 50 % of the total investment must be contributed by the company in the form of new capital (from sponsors or investors). At least half of these funds must be provided in the form of equity.
What does the process look like?
The develoPPP Ventures ideas competition takes place twice a year for six weeks at the end of each quarter (June and December). The Application periods begin May 15 and November 15.
Where do the funds come from?
Programme funds are provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
DEG Impulse
General information on develoPPP Ventures
develoPPP Ventures - Conditions of participation(PDF, 159 KB, non-accessible)
develoPPP Ventures - Information brochure(PDF, 178 KB, non-accessible)
Visit the develoPPP application platform
Further information
develoPPP Ventures portfolio (as of September 2023)(PDF, 561 KB, non-accessible)
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