
    DEG Representative Office Bangkok | Thailand

    Interested investors can obtain detailed information and advice on all forms of long-term finance provided by DEG and KfW Bankengruppe. The team develops tailor-made finance solutions and advises customers on DEG's promotional programmes.

    As one of the core states of the ASEAN international community and as a gateway to the neighbouring countries of Indochina, Thailand is an interesting location for foreign investors. Besides Thailand, the DEG office in Bangkok covers Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam as well.

    Our solutions for your investment in Thailand

    Private equity funds

    Infrastructure & Energy

    DEG’s team in Bangkok

    DEG Office Bangkok

    DEG's network in the region

    Investors benefit from the office's well-established network. The team works with institutions such as the German Chambers of Commerce and offices of KfW in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam.



    Benjamin Brink

    DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

    Representative Office Bangkok

    Empire Tower 1905

    195 South Sathorn Road / Yannawa


    10120 Bangkok
