
    DEG Representative Office Jakarta | Indonesia

    Since 1988, DEG’s office in Jakarta has been a key point of contact for private businesses in Indonesia. DEG offers long-term financing for financial institutions, infrastructure projects, enterprises, and funds, while also providing tailor-made financial solutions and Business Support Services to enhance the sustainability of investments.

    As the fourth most populous country in the world, Indonesia’s large domestic market and growing middle class offers opportunities for private-sector investments. The country has significant potential in sectors such as infrastructure, transport/logistics, and manufacturing. DEG has been involved in Indonesia since 1972.

    Our solutions for your investment in Indonesia

    Private equity funds

    Infrastructure & Energy

    DEG's network in Jakarta

    DEG works closely with KfW in Jakarta, offering clients seamless one-stop services. This ensures efficient coordination and maximized impact for development-focused projects.



    Pranay Maini

    DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH

    Representative Office Jakarta

    Menara BCA 46th Floor

    Jalan M.H. Thamrin No. 1

    10310 Jakarta
