News from 2015-12-07 / DEG

DEG promotes training in Iraq

Besides investors, it is mainly know-how and skilled labour which are needed for reconstruction of the country. The German family-run company Knauf, one of the leading producers of plaster-based construction material in Europe, has now inaugurated a training centre for dry construction in Bagdad. Every year, at least 300 Iraqi craftsmen, as well as 200 architects and engineers are to be trained here in dry construction technology. The training thereby contributes to creating prospects for the future among young people - a key factor in fighting the causes of refugee movements. A 25-year cooperation agreement has been signed with the University of Bagdad with the aim of further establishing the training centre, which is located on the university campus.

During the official opening, which was attended by Isabel Knauf; the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hussain Al-Shahristani; the president of the University of Baghdad, professor Dr. Alaa Abdul Hussein Abdul Rasul and the German ambassador, Ekkehard Brose, the first graduates already received their certificate.

DEG co-financed the investment of its long-time partner Knauf with funds from the programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Der deutsche Botschafter Ekkehard Brose, der irakischer Minister für Höhere Bildung Dr. Hussein Al Shahrestany, der Präsident der Universität Bagdad Prof. Dr. Ala Abd al Husien Abd al Rasool sowie Isabel Knauf bei der Eröffnung.
Ekkehard Brose, Dr. Hussein Al Shahrestany, Prof. Dr. Ala Abd al Husien Abd al Rasool and Isabel Knauf (l.t.r.) at the official opening.


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