News from 2020-10-19 / DEG

DEG donation for reconstruction of schools in Yemen

DEG had donated 10,000 euros to the "Foundation stone for Yemen’s future" project of the coalition "Aktion Deutschland Hilft", which aimed to rebuild 20 schools in the country. The first schools reopened in September following a delay due to the coronavirus.

Since the conflict in Yemen escalated in 2015, little or no teaching had taken place in many areas, schools had been occupied, used for military purposes or actually destroyed. More than two million children have had to quit school.

Reconstruction of the 20 schools was successfully completed in March 2020, including new sanitary facilities, teaching material and furniture. Renovating schoolyards and school laboratories was also part of the school reconstruction programme. Furthermore, people in the catchment area of the schools were given the opportunity to participate in the construction with the aim of earning an income and receiving vocational training.

Due to the coronavirus the schools had to remain closed until September 2020, when the secondary schools were the first to reopen. The primary schools have reopened in October, providing access to education for girls and boys.

Support also for school in Cologne

DEG promotes entrepreneurial initiative in developing and emerging markets in order to contribute to sustainable development and better living conditions for the local population. The funds for the Yemen project came from DEG’s Christmas donation in 2017. DEG staff were invited to vote on where the Christmas donation should be sent to.

As part of its social responsibility activities, DEG also supports projects in Cologne, where it has had been headquartered for almost 60 years. For example, DEG donated retired laptops to the Lustheider Straße primary school in Cologne-Vingst, thereby supporting families whose children lack equipment to participate in the currently very important digital lessons.

Further information

Aktion Deutschland Hilft


DEG Press Office

Kämmergasse 22

50676 Cologne
