News from 2022-12-05 / DEG
DEG at the German-African Business Summit in Johannesburg

Since its founding, DEG has been financing and advising private companies that operate in Africa, including African, German and international companies investing there. The entire range of DEG services will now be presented at the Fourth German-African Business Summit to be held in South Africa from 6 December to 8 December.
DEG has four representative offices on the African continent: in South Africa, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya and Nigeria. The regional portfolio totalled around EUR 2.4 billion at year-end 2021. In addition to individually tailored financing packages, DEG also offers targeted advisory and development programmes for companies. In addition, DEG has three German Desks in Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria, which provide support to small and medium-sized German companies and their local trading partners.
DEG will be attending the 2022 German-African Business Summit as part of the KfW Group, along with KfW IPEX Bank and KfW Development Bank. DEG contact persons are available to help German and African customers and among other things can provide information about Africa Connect, which offers a range of financing for European investments in Africa. In addition, DEG’s subsidiary DEG Impulse will introduce its development and advisory services. The develoPPP programme and the Help Desk for Business and Human Rights provide additional project support services to companies.
The German-African Business Summit initiated by business associations will bring together around 500 representatives from business and politics in Johannesburg this week. DEG’s member of the Management Board, Monika Beck, will also be attending as part of a delegation headed by Robert Habeck, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The German-African Business Summit will focus on currently pressing economic issues and industries of the future. The agenda will include, among other things, German-African co-operation on energy matters, healthcare innovations and the realignment of global supply chains.
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